Book reviews

I love reading and I love promoting books, whether through my work as a librarian or online through this blog and social media. I have been a professional reader for over nineteen years now and I love it. Reading and reviewing the very latest releases ensures I know what's new and what I just have to have in my school library. My reviews are here to help you find your perfect next read, see what's new in the world of publishing, or create a list of books you need to purchase for yourself, your child or your library. My reviews always include my honest perspective and reflection on the book.

A large percentage of the books reviewed on this site I received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Each of these books are clearly marked with a disclaimer. I would like to thank the publishers who make advanced copies available to reading professionals such as myself.

You'll find all my reviews sorted by category and genre. You can use the menu above to browse, search by title, author, publisher, ISBN or keyword or just scroll down to see what's new and exciting.

You can also follow my reviews through my Goodreads Profile.

New YA Fantasy

What you'll find in my reviews

I always write my reviews honestly and from my perspective as a teacher librarian and a massive fan of all the genres I read. Each review contains a summary of the plot and a breakdown of the characters, themes and what I liked or disliked. You'll also find information about the book, including subjects, genres, publisher, formats and ISBN and links at the base of the review.

Age and Advisory Guide

As a librarian I know how hard it can be to assess a book for its level of content, especially for parents who may want to check what their child is reading, in school libraries where books may be separated into a variety of collections based on grade or age levels, or for readers who want to be aware of trigger warnings before they start reading. That's why I aim to provide some information about the content included in the books I review. This may include trigger warnings, coarse language, mature themes, sexual content, violence, or alcohol and drug use. No judgements, just a facts-based summary that you can read and then decide if the book is suitable for you. The age guide provided for children's or young adult books is a guide only and is provided directly from the publishers. You'll find the age guide and advisory guide at the bottom of each review.


I have also started to include a summary of the characters represented. This includes ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability. This is only intended to help people find characters, to highlight the importance of a wide range of character diversity and help with collection development or diversity audits.


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New Children's and Middle Grade Fiction

Request A Review

Would you like to request a review? I'd love to hear from you.

I do consider unsolicited review requests, however to accept a review copy I must always ensure that I am a good fit for the book and that I have sufficient time to devote to both reading and reviewing the title. In most cases, if I am unable to accept the review copy it is because I am unable to fulfil those two criteria.

Please get in touch via my contact page. 

New YA Contemporary Fiction

Book Lists

Looking for a reading recommendation or a list of recommended books? I have curated a list of books on various topics. Perfect for collection management, displays, or finding that next book to read after loving a series.

You can also request a list by reaching out via my contact page. 

New Adult Fiction

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