Wild Things: How We Learn To Read and What Can Happen If We Don’t

– Sally Rippin –

Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing

Published 21 September 2022



Wild Things is a book all teachers, librarians and parents should read. Sally Rippin writes with candour and honesty as she draws upon her knowledge as a writer, her research into reading and literacy, and her experience learning to understand her son’s dyslexia and ADHD and his challenges in the school system that failed to support his learning needs.

This book is a memoir, a reflection on Sally’s experiences and journey to understanding her son’s learning needs and how to advocate for him within a schooling system that struggles to adequately support students. Rippin does not stray beyond her expertise, so if you are looking for a guide to differentiation or strategies to employ in the classroom for your students, look elsewhere. But the power for teachers and librarians is this rare insight into a parent’s perspective of learning needs. It is also not a guide for parents on dyslexia, supporting learning to read or the mechanics of reading. It is, however, powerful and emotive and an important perspective in the growing literature on learning needs.

I have purchased a number of copies for my school library teacher reference and parent collection.

More information

Category: Non-fiction

Subjects: Reading, Dyslexia, ADHD, parenting, learning, schooling, advocacy

Published: 21 September 2022 by Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing

Format: paperback, ebook. 304 pages.

ISBN: 9781760507640

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