Tag: Professional Development (Page 1 of 7)

Professional Learning: June 2024

Professional Learning Opportunities June 2024

Thank you to everyone who reached out and offered their kind words of support and understanding to my message in last month’s PL list. I am happy to report that these lists will continue for the time being. I love being able to put them together and ensuring I make time for them also brings a little more balance into my life between work and other things I love to do. So, here is your Professional Learning list for June 2024. 

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Professional Learning: May 2024

Professional Learning Opportunities May 2024

May the Fourth Be With You. Yep, that means I am sending this on the 4th and that means it’s quite a few days late. Some months just seem to throw everything they’ve got at you. That was the past three weeks for me. So, it’s made me question if putting these lists together is achievable anymore. I’d love to hear from you. Do they help or are they something you could do without? I’d love to know. For now, I am thinking this might be the last of these lists I curate. So, here’s a (shorter) list of webinars, podcasts and articles for school library staff professional learning.

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Every Day Advocacy

Every Day Advocacy: Little things you can do that you don’t even realise are advocating for your school library

Advocacy, it’s a word I use a lot. It is vitally important for school libraries and school library staff to advocate for their spaces, services and positions. But sometimes I think we believe advocacy just refers to the big actions – writing a letter to the principal or school board about securing funding for the school library, or fighting against censorship. And yes, these big things are definitely advocacy and most definitely super important. But that’s not all advocacy is. Here are a few little things I think count as advocacy, little things that can be done every day to advocate for your school library.

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Professional Learning: April 2024

Professional Learning Opportunities April 2024

Happy April. I hope this post coincides with a term break for you. It’s been a busy first three months of the year. But downtime hopefully also means a bit of time to let your mind wander and learn new things. If that’s the case, I have the perfect list of professional learning opportunities for you. From AI to supporting reading for pleasure, webinars to articles, I hope you find something to encourage you and what’s happening in your school library. 

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Professional Learning: March 2024

Professional Learning Opportunities March 2024

So, you might have noticed that I am sharing this a few days later than I usually do. I’m going to blame February for only have 29 days in it this year – I could have used a few more. But the real reason is life is just very busy. Very, very busy, which I love, but see also me missing my deadlines. In all the busy, professional learning can be the thing we drop. I know it was something I dropped last year, when doing our library move, because I just didn’t have the time or energy. But professional learning is the very thing to help create time through better solutions and more energy by reinvigorating that passion for our work. So if you, like me, are struggling this week, I hope this list gives you some inspiration, some ideas and an energy boost.

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Professional Learning: January 2024

Professional Learning Opportunities January 2024

Happy New Year. Welcome to 2024. I hope it is an exciting, yet calm, rewarding and fruitful year for you. A new month and a new year means new professional learning opportunities and I have an excellent list of articles, podcasts, booklists and more for you. It seems people have been creating and reflecting in these last few months. 

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Professional Learning: December 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities December 2023

I think most of us are on holiday breaks, about to be on a holiday break or seriously counting down the days until a holiday break. December can be a crazy busy time in someways and a quieter one in others. It’s certainly a little quiet in the professional learning area. So, here’s your reminder to check out the past 11 editions of this newsletter.  There are plenty of articles to return to, webinar recordings to rewatch and podcasts to play when you need something to distract you from the festive chaos (or is that just me?). What ever you are doing this December, take care and we’ll see you again for more professional learning in 2024. 

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Professional Learning: November 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities November 2023

Just as things are starting to head towards the end of the school year in the Southern Hemisphere, things are just kicking into high year in the northern parts of the world. The pace seems to be the same, either way – full speed ahead. Looking for some PD to help keep you up-to-date and inspired to face each day? Here is your list of professional learning opportunities for school library staff for November 2023. Highlights this month include lots of shared slides, resources and notes from the AASL23 conference. Happy learning. 

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