Author: Madison Dearnaley (Page 1 of 135)

Best Job In the World – Myth Busting School Libraries

It’s a question I absolutely love. “How did you get into your role and is that something I can do?”

Working in a school libraries is the best job in the world (I’m biased, but just try and prove me wrong!). Yet becoming someone who works in a school library is a path shrouded in mystery. I know I certainly didn’t realise it was an option that was open to me until much later on in my search for a career that felt right and fit me.

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Book Week 2024: Resources, Links and Ideas

It’s almost time for Book Week. The CBCA  Book Week is one of the biggest events in the school library calendar. Book Week is a wonderful celebration of reading, Australian literature, school libraries and the people who bring books to children. Australian School Library Day sits in the middle of Book Week and is a great day to celebrate school libraries and how they help support students, reading and the Australian publishing industry.

The theme for Book Week 2024 is Reading is Magic and there is no shortage of ideas for displays, activities, events and ways to celebrate..

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Best Job In the World – Working in a School Library

The Best Job In the World: Working in a School Library

It’s a question I absolutely love. “How did you get into your role and is that something I can do?”

Working in a school libraries is the best job in the world (I’m biased, but just try and prove me wrong!). Yet becoming someone who works in a school library is a path shrouded in mystery. I know I certainly didn’t realise it was an option that was open to me until much later on in my search for a career that felt right and fit me.

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SLASA – The Power of Advocating for the School Library Resources

SLASA – The Power of Advocating for the School Library Resources

Talking about advocating for school libraries is one of my favourite things to do. I was honoured to have the opportunity to present the closing keynote at the School Library Association of South Australia Conference on the Power of Advocating for the School Library. In the session? Here are the resources and further reading I referenced. Not able to make it to the conference? Reading these will give you a bit of an insight into what we discussed.

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Student-Driven Collection Development

If there was one thing I would suggest every single school library to enact it’s to move to a student-driven collection development. It is the most powerful process I know to increase engagement with a school library, support reading for pleasure and improve the collections in a school library. Who better to decide what to have on the bookshelves than the students and staff who are going to be reading those books.

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Professional Learning: June 2024

Professional Learning Opportunities June 2024

Thank you to everyone who reached out and offered their kind words of support and understanding to my message in last month’s PL list. I am happy to report that these lists will continue for the time being. I love being able to put them together and ensuring I make time for them also brings a little more balance into my life between work and other things I love to do. So, here is your Professional Learning list for June 2024. 

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Book Review: Lightfall The Dark Times


Lightfall: The Dark Times

– Tim Probert –

Lightfall #3


Published 2 April 2024


I think this might easily be one of my favourite books of 2024. It’s definitely one of my favourite graphic novels. Lightfall: The Dark Times is utterly spectacular. From the gorgeous illustrations to the characters that have captured my heart, this graphic novel, the third in the Lightfall series, seriously shines.

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Reducing Barriers in the School Library

We are all aware of barriers. Some are for our benefit and safety – Railings to prevent falling from tall buildings, metal strips along roads to reduce the impact of crashes. However, other barriers are societal problems that cause great harm – stairs instead of ramps, door widths inaccessible to wheelchairs.

Barriers exist in our school libraries as well. In her presentation with EduWebinar in early 2023, Krystal Gagen-Spriggs shared research around influencing reading culture and spoke about the importance of removing barriers to promote reading and prevent readercide. I love that word. Readercide. Though, of course, I don’t like what it represents, but I do think it captures so accurately the severity of the act and the fact that it is an act, it’s something we do, intentionally or otherwise, to the students or staff who frequent (or avoid) our space. Killing a love or interest in reading. Killing the desire to be seen or identify as a reader.

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