Tag: Libraries (Page 1 of 9)

Book Week 2024: Resources, Links and Ideas

It’s almost time for Book Week. The CBCA  Book Week is one of the biggest events in the school library calendar. Book Week is a wonderful celebration of reading, Australian literature, school libraries and the people who bring books to children. Australian School Library Day sits in the middle of Book Week and is a great day to celebrate school libraries and how they help support students, reading and the Australian publishing industry.

The theme for Book Week 2024 is Reading is Magic and there is no shortage of ideas for displays, activities, events and ways to celebrate..

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Book Week 2024: Bookmarks, Badges, T-Shirts and Tote bags

Book Week 2024: Bookmarks, Badges, T-Shirts and Tote bags

The CBCA Children’s Book Week is one of the biggest events in the Australian school library calendar. A perfect opportunity to celebrate Australian children’s literature and the work of school library staff and everything they do to support reading.

The theme for 2024 is Reading is Magic. It’s a great theme with lots of scope for amazing display, poster and promotional product ideas.

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Creating A Vision Statement

Creating A Vision Statement For Your School Library

Do you have a vision for your school library? What about a personal or professional vision statement? Now, I know sometimes these things can seem like just business rhetoric, or perhaps you see the school’s vision statement trotted out by leadership without any actual reflection of what’s happening in the school. But having a vision for yourself and your school library is incredibly powerful.

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Resource: Library Banner Signage with Canva

Creating Library Banners Signage with Canva – with templates

Signage can have a massive impact in a school library. Part accessibility, part marketing, your signage helps your students find and discover sections.

Depending on your shelving and wall space, large banner signage can make a big statement, and disguise old walls or hide unsightly shelving tops. When in our old library space, our graphic novel section needed a lot of love and new banner signs above the collection really gave it a lift. You can read all about how I updated the graphic novel collection here.

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Ramblings: 2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review

It’s has become a bit of a tradition of mine to reflect back on the year that has just passed. I find it immensely helpful to not only remember all the things I actually got done in the year, but to also track what I am spending my focus on, track my goals and my progress towards them and set new goals for the year ahead.

Honestly, 2023 feels like it could have been two years with the amount that has been squeezed into it. To say it has been a massive year feels like a massive understatement. Before writing this, I read my reflections from 2022. I had to chuckle at the plans I had set for the start of 2023. I thought I had it all organised and all laid out. Well, let me tell you, the start of 2023 did not go as planned.

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Building a Reading Culture Part 7

Building A School Reading Culture – Part 7 Reading Culture Characteristics

Well, here we are, more than two years on from when I first started this journey investigating how to build a reading culture. I never could have imagined where this journey would take me.

I’ve looked at organisational culture research, culture change research and methodology, reading culture research, and tools for measure reading culture. I also used those tools to measure our reading culture starting point.

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Building a Reading Culture Part 6

Building A School Reading Culture – Part 6 Measuring The Starting Point

Little did I know 24 months ago when I started my exploration into culture change and building a reading culture, the journey it would take me on.

If you’ve missed parts of my series on building a reading culture you’ll find the start of this story in part 1, an exploration of organisational culture research in part 2, culture change research and methodology in part 3, and a deeper look at reading culture in part 4. In part 5, I shared some of the tools that could be used to measure reading culture.

Now the time has come to share where I am in this journey and how I think my school stacks up when measuring our reading culture.

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Resource: Making Your Own Signage

Making Your Own School Library Signage

Signage is one of the most important things you can add to your school library collections to aid access and remove the barriers students might face in trying to access the information they need. Fortunately, you can now purchase a wide range of signage options from school library suppliers, but it can be pretty expensive. I have always made my own signage for my school library collections, using a variety of different tools, software programs and resources, making my signage fully customisable and a lot more cost-effective. Using a few tips and tricks, your signage can look as professional as purchased signage.

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Book Week 2024: Theme Announcement

Book Week 2024: Theme Announcement

The CBCA Children’s Book Week is one of the biggest events in the Australian school library calendar. A perfect opportunity to celebrate Australian children’s literature and the work of school library staff and everything they do to support reading.

Each year, a theme is announced, along with the illustrator who will create the poster and graphics for the theme.

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