Book List: If You Liked Poison Study

If You Liked Poison Study – Young Adult Fiction Book List


Have you read Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder? Did you love it? If you did, you are no doubt looking for books that are similar. I know that when I discovered Poison Study I was desperate to find something I could read next. I have created this list of titles to read after Poison Study.

The Study Series

Okay, maybe it seems pretty obvious to read the rest of the series, but there are plenty of books in the Study series and the companion Glass series, which together form the Chronicles of Ixia series.


Here’s the suggested reading order.

  • Poison Study – Study #1
  • Magic Study – Study #2
  • Fire Study – Study #3
  • Storm Glass – Glass #1
  • Sea Glass – Glass #2
  • Spy Glass – Glass #3
  • Shadow Study – Soulfinders #1
  • Night Study – Soulfinders #2
  • Dawn Study – Soulfinders #3

There are also a few additional novellas available – Assassin Study, Power Study and Ice Study.

Other titles by Maria V. Synder

978077831076Healer series

A fantasy series. Of Maria’s other titles this is the most similar to Poison Study.

  • Touch of Power
  • Scent of Magic
  • Taste of Darkness


Insider Series

Science fiction

  • Inside Out
  • Outside In

Storm Watcher

Middle Grade/Young adult fantasy, standalone title.

Sentinels of the Galaxy series

Science fiction

  • Navigating the Stars
  • Chasing the Shadows
  • Defending the Galaxy


Other titles

The Prison Healer – Lynette Noni

This is a new one for Poison Study fans. Released in April 2021, The Prison Healer has a prison setting, similar to the start of Poison Study. It also features a strong heroine, romance that starts in the worst of circumstances, intrigue, magic, political plotting and scheming and so much more. There will be three book in the Prison Healer series, so watch out for their release.


The Tiger at Midnight – Swati Teerdhala

Esha is an assassin, known as the Viper. She works to undermine General Hotha and King Vardaan who caused so much harm when they unrightfully stole the throne. Kunal is a solider. Raised by General Hotha, Kunal knows his duty is to the king and army. But when he at first unwittingly meets Esha and is then tasked with finding and killing the Viper, everything he knows about the world and his role in it will be challenged.


The Queen’s Rising series – Rebecca Ross


Beautiful series. Half French Renaissance half Scottish highlands, a little bit of magic and lots of intrigue and action. If you loved the romance in Poison Study, you’ll adore the romance between Brienna and Cartier. Seriously, I think I even prefer Cartier over Valek. Maybe. I might have to read them all again to decide. But it’s close.


Iskari series – Kristen Ciccarelli

Great fantasy series with really strong female lead characters, intrigue and dragons. These three books all form a series but each follow different main characters and have a different focus, almost becoming separate titles, though you will need to read them in series order. Great fantasy battles. It was so easy to be drawn into this wonderful story. The depth of the characters, the strength of the emotions, which endlessly build (the romance in this book is….wow, I have no other words

Serpent & Dove series – Shelby Mahurin

Forbidden romance between two people on opposite sides of the law? Magic – in this case witches. Strong female leads. Some very sexy romantic scenes. This one is for the older readers who loved The Poison Study series. The Serpent & Dove series is an evocative fantasy, with witches and the clergymen that hunt them, one girl torn between two worlds, determined to survive, and very steamy romance.

The Ryogan Chronicles – Erica Cameron

Diverse characters in this epic trilogy. Really, really loved this fantastic series. It is unique, but if you loved the way the characters all band together to solve their problems in the Study series, then you will love the friendship, romance and camaraderie in the Ryogan Chronicles. Epic scenes, great journeys and an evil to overcome, this series takes you from deserts to mountains, across seas and to new and exotic lands.


Graceling Realm series – Kristin Cashore

      • Graceling
      • Fire
      • Bitterblue

Each book has a fierce and independent heroine and some swoon-worthy romance. Book one and two can be read in any order, but book three should be read last.

But, wait, just when you and I thought this series was over, ten years later we have a fourth book in the series. Winterkeep picks up four years after Bitterblue and once again provides readers with epic fantasy and all the political intrigue you could want.

finnikin of the rock

Lumatere Chronicles – Melina Marchetta

      • Finnikin of the Rock
      • Froi of the Exiles
      • Quintana of Charyn

A lush fantasy series, equally heartbreaking as it is enjoyable. A great quest, with their lives and futures on the line Finnikin and his band of friends will do anything to restore their kingdom after it was destroyed both by invaders and a curse.

The Poison Throne The Moorehawke Trilogy – Celine Kiernan

      • The Poison Throne
      • The Crowded Shadows
      • The Rebel Prince

This series shares Poison Study’s political intrigue. It is set in a fantasy world that feels medieval. With less magic, but just as much romance and intrigue, it is a great series.

9780062286925 Snow Like Ashes series – Sara Raasch

Beautiful world building, a spunky heroine that modern readers will love, magic, battles, secret plots, romance – Snow Like Ashes has everything you could want in an epic fantasy. 

Ruined Ruined – Amy Tintera

Ruined is an action-packed fantasy with plenty of vibrant characters, violent battles, and swoony romance. Emalina has no Ruined powers. But that doesn’t stop her planning revenge on the royal family for all that she has lost. First step in her plan is infiltrating the palace and the royal family impersonating the prince’s fiancé.


Oathbreaker Oathbreaker – S.R. Vaught and J.B Redmond


      • Assassin’s Apprentice
      • A Prince Among Killers

In a world of shapeshifters and powerful magic, Aron is kidnapped and forced to be an assassin. He must learn to control is fearsome talents, even as he grieves for the life and family he has lost.

Daughter of the FlamesVarious titles by Zoe Marriott


      • Daughter of the Flames – Ruan #1
      • Frostfire – Ruan #2
      • Swan Kingdom
      • Name of the Blade series.

Books with a great mix of fantastic magic, religion and an oriental feel.


Arrival The Strangers of Paragor – Charlotte McConaghy

      • Arrival
      • Descent

From fantasy, magic, adventure, romance, quests, battles and mythical creatures to portals from earth to other worlds, some of the most complicated love triangles ever, gods, ships and Greek legends, this series has everything.

9780062360243Ravenspire – C.J Redwine

The Shadow Queen is epic, clever, familiar, original, fun, and so enjoyable to read. With one tough, warrior princess, an evil queen, a gorgeous new fantasy world to discover, a charming and slightly adorable romantic interest and even dragons (dragons!!!), The Shadow Queen is set apart from your average fairytale retelling.

Rosemarked by Livia Blackburne 

The use of herbs and healing in this book reminded me of Lief. There is also a whole lot of fun banter between soldiers and a tense political situation.



What other titles fix your Poison Study cravings?

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