LEGO Heroes: LEGO Builders Changing Our World – One Brick At A Time
– Graham E. Hancock –
Chronicle Books
Published 16 May 2023
I am a massive fan of LEGO, the LEGO story and how play is integral to both. We all know that LEGO can be used in many different ways and as creatively as your imagination allows, but did you know that LEGO can help make a prosthetic arm or rebuild a reef?
LEGO Heroes shares twelve stories of ingenious and innovative use of LEGO to solve problems and bring positive change to people’s lives.
With large, colour photographs and full colour quote pages, this book is visually pleasing, and modern. The stories are all tied to ideas that improve the world around us and is the perfect starting point for introducing students to innovation, design thinking and problem solving. I’m looking forward to using the book and stories to inspire my students to take their ideas to a new level and start thinking about how they can use LEGO to solve the problems they see around them.
Each chapter is devoted to a different story, including LEGO prosthetics, LEGO wheelchair ramps, LEGO art, Braille Bricks, a turtle LEGO wheelchair and making LEGO more accessible.
The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.
More information
Category: Non-fiction
Subjects: Lego, creativity, innovation, problem solving, music, animals, prosthetics.
Published: 16 May 2023 by Chronicle Books
Format: Hardcover. 112 pages.
ISBN: 9781452182339