You Need A Manifesto
– Charlotte Burgess-Auburn and Stanford d.School –
Ten Speed Press
Published 4 October 2022
You Need A Manifesto is my favourite of the d.School Guides that I have read so far. If you are interested in directing your creativity, narrowing down your vision or just putting into writing your thoughts about your future, I highly recommend You Need A Manifesto.
This book guides readers through what a manifesto is, why it is important and useful and how to go about creating one. With practical activities to help you write a manifesto, it steps you through identifying the values and ethics that should underpin your manifesto, finding inspiration from others, and reflecting on your ideas.
Each of the Stanford d.School Guides is beautifully designed. It should come as no surprise, given they are the d.School, but I can still express appreciation for the clever layouts, text call-outs, fold out pages, beautiful colours and matching cover. The small size isn’t great for the school library shelf, but when I’ve got all ten sitting next to each other, they are eye catching. Visually appealing, easy to read, inspiring and action-orientated. A great book for students, creatives, leaders, and entrepreneurs.
More information
Category: Non-Fiction
Subjects: Manifestos, design, design thinking, planning, goal setting, visions, business, entrepreneurship
Published: 4 October 2022 by Ten Speed Press.
Format: Paperback. 96 pages.
ISBN: 9781984858061