Tag: Planning

Year 7 Orientation Lessons

Year 7 Orientation Lessons

The start of a new year means new incoming year 7 students. For my school, that means a mix of students coming from our Junior School and a large cohort of new students. There is something so fresh and enthusiastic about year 7 students. A mix of nervousness and an eagerness to try things. They get exciting and they are not afraid to share that excitement and I absolutely love working with them.

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School Library Back-To-School Guide

Back-To-School Guide and To-Do List for School Library Staff

It’s that time of year when school supplies appear in shops and we count down the final days of the summer holidays. Heading back to the school library for the start of the year is an exciting time but it can be daunting if you are new to the profession, starting at a new school library or even just a little unsure about what to tackle first. So, here’s a short to-do list of some common tasks you might want to get busy with at the start of the school year.

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Book Review: You Need A Manifesto

You Need A Manifesto book cover. Pink, with green spine and black text.


You Need A Manifesto

– Charlotte Burgess-Auburn and Stanford d.School –

Ten Speed Press

Published 4 October 2022



You Need A Manifesto is my favourite of the d.School Guides that I have read so far. If you are interested in directing your creativity, narrowing down your vision or just putting into writing your thoughts about your future, I highly recommend You Need A Manifesto.

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Ramblings: A Year in the Life of a TL – Getting started

A Year in the Life of a Teacher Librarian – Getting Stared with the Year

It has been my goal for some time now to share what my role as a teacher librarian is comprised of in the day in, day out. I hope that it shares some light into what can sometimes be a mysterious and unknown role to those outside libraries. I hope it might inspire someone to enter the world of school libraries as I was once enticed. And I hope it encourages others in the school library world to share their experiences. Of course, my role and experiences are unique and would differ if I was in a different country, state, school, library setting or role, and the joy of library work is that no one day, library, role or experience is ever the same. I may post once a month about this, but far more likely I will put fingers to keyboard once a term. If you would like to read all of the posts in the series, you’ll find them here. 

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Ramblings: A Year in the Life of a TL – Summer Holidays

A Year in the Life of a Teacher Librarian – Summer Holidays

It has been my goal for some time now to share what my role as a teacher librarian is comprised of in the day in, day out. I hope that it shares some light into what can sometimes be a mysterious and unknown role to those outside libraries. I hope it might inspire someone to enter the world of school libraries as I was once enticed. And I hope it encourages others in the school library world to share their experiences. Of course, my role and experiences are unique and would differ if I was in a different country, state, school, library setting or role, and the joy of library work is that no one day, library, role or experience is ever the same. I may post once a month about this, but far more likely I will put fingers to keyboard once a term. If you would like to read all of the posts in the series, you’ll find them here. 

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Ramblings: Inheriting a Genrefied Library

Inheriting a Genrefied Library

I have shared a lot about my experiences and thoughts around genrefication. I have written posts and articles, shared how I first started by genrefying a young adult fiction collection, before moving onto non fiction collections. I’ve presented at conferences and webinars on the topic. But, a first for me this year has been inheriting a library collection that had already been genrefied. I had worked in libraries before that had collections genrefied by someone other than myself, but those times were only for part time work or contract work. This year, I have taken over the library and am now responsible for a library collection where the non fiction is organised by dewey, the biographies are separated, and the young adult fiction collection was genrefied over 5 years ago.

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