Book Review: Cultures of Belonging


Cultures of Belonging: Building Inclusive Organizations that Last

– Alida Miranda-Wolff –

HarperCollins Leadership

Published 15 February 2022



Diversity, inclusion, belonging. All such key and important words for leaders and managers and all workers to be across in today’s workplace. And rightfully so. These have so often been ignored or not prioritised in workplaces and it is time, well past time, for change. In Cultures of Belonging, Alida Miranda-Wollf draws upon her own lived-experience in work settings and her experience as a leader within the DEIB sector to explore the key themes around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and provides practical skills and techniques to build a culture around these.

As a new manager and a leader within my school, library team and within the wider school library community, diversity, inclusion, belonging and equity are so important to me (especially given my position of power as a white cisgender female who has obtained high levels of schooling and education) and how what I do reflects on these principles within my work, team and school library. While the book is general in nature to any workplace or business setting, it was easy to apply to my own workplace setting and team.

In part one, the author explores what belonging is and why it is important. She also explains how culture is developed and changed within an organisation, why this is key when exploring belonging and how to build an inclusive culture. In part two, Miranda-Wolff starts by exploring change and how to prepare and then start creating change. After that, each chapter follows part of the employment and work cycle, from recruitment to retention and promotion, as well as how to protect your employees and team against the very opposite of inclusion, belonging and equity. In each of these chapters, the author draws upon her lived-experiences to give examples and provides practical techniques to put into practice.

I highly recommend this book as essential reading for any leader or manager or really any worker at all, because belonging, inclusion, equity and diversity are for everyone and everyone’s business.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

More information

Category: Non fiction

Subjects: Business, organisation, leadership, management, diversity, communication, belonging, DEI, equity, inclusion.

Published: 15 February 2022 by HarperCollins Leadership

Format: Paperback, ebook. 272 pages.

ISBN: 9781400229253

Find it on Goodreads

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