Book Week 2016 – Display Ideas
The theme for Book Week 2016, Australia: Story Country, offers plenty of great ways to celebrate and decorate!!! Here are some of the ways I hope to decorate the library for this year’s Book Week.
Short List
Every year the library displays the books on the Book of the Year Short list, which you can find on the CBCA website.
This year a backdrop of hessian and Aussie road signs will decorate this display and give it an Aussie touch.
Under the Shade of A Coolibah Tree
I plan to update the Reading Tree to a Coolibah Tree, like the one mentioned in Waltzing Matilda, changing the leaves to gumtree-shaped leaves.
With a few neutral coloured pieces of fabric, the bench seats will feel a little more outback-like and a fake campfire in the centre of the area will create a great space to gather for storytelling. Hanging stars will give the area an-outdoor, storytelling under the stars feel.
A Map of Aussie Literature
Inspired by Epic Read’s Planet YA, I have long wanted to create my own version of Australia. Of course, Australia has many, many great pieces of literature that could be used to create this map. I am undecided on whether to divide Australia by states and territories and try to match these sections to the books in the Older Reader’s category for Book of the Year or simply create a collage of favourites such as Tomorrow, When the War Began and Possum Magic.
Aussie Backyard
Inspired by “Give Me A Home Among The Gum Trees”, this display will showcase Aussie life – however that might look. Plum trees, a hills-hoist out the back, veranda out the front and of course a rocking chair. Corrugated iron, gum leaves and the sea in the distance; I love that this display will hopefully take on a collage effect as I layer material, paper, cardboard and anything else I can find.
Inspired by the artwork of Shaun Tan for Book Week 2016, I hope to complete a display incorporating characters from Aussie literature. Students will love locating and identifying the characters within the display and of course within the poster and the matching colouring-in sheets, both of which can be purchased from CBCA.
You can also check out my Pinterest board, Library – Book Week, which I will be continually updating to reflect the 2016 theme.
What display ideas are you considering this year?