#LoveOzYA – Short Stories

This fortnight’s #LoveOzYA theme is Short Stories


#LoveOzYABloggers is hosted by #LoveOzYA, a community led organisation dedicated to promoting Australian young adult literature. Keep up to date with all new Aussie YA releases with their monthly newsletter, or find out what’s happening with News and Events, or submit your own!

Australian Young Adult Short Stories

Begin, End, Begin: A #Love Oz Ya Anthology – Edited by Danielle Binks – HarperCollins Australia – Published 24 April 2017

Bestsellers. Award-winners. Superstars. This anthology has them all. With brilliantly entertaining short stories from beloved young adult authors Amie Kaufman, Melissa Keil, Will Kostakis, Ellie Marney, Jaclyn Moriarty, Michael Pryor, Alice Pung, Gabrielle Tozer, Lili Wilkinson and Danielle Binks, this all-new collection will show the world exactly how much there is to love about Aussie YA.

I couldn’t create a #LoveOzYA short stories list without including the #LoveOzYA anthology.  So many awesome Aussie authors have contributed to this wonderful collection, which is a perfect starting point for Aussie Short Stories.

Ferragost – Melina Marchetta – Review of Australian Fiction – Published 7 August 2012

A short story featured in Review of Australian Fiction.

Lady Celie of the Lumateran Flatlands is visiting the Belegonian spring castle on the isle of Ferragost. Cut off from the rest of Belegonia by poor weather, she is confined to the island with four others, including the mysterious castellan of the castle. When the body of one of the guests is discovered on the rocks outside the east tower, Celie is not only considered a suspect, but finds herself embroiled in events that are entwined with her own kingdom’s cursed history, as well as the future of the entire land of Skuldenore.

Every fortnight, Review of Australian Fiction published two short stories in their digital publication. My favourite of these was Melina Marchetta’s short story, Ferragost, a continuation of the Lumatere Chornicles, of which I am a huge fan.

Want more Oz YA Short Stories? Check out more picks here.