Tag: June 2022

Book Review: Sunburst



– Susan May Warren –

Sky King Ranch #2


Published 7 June 2022


Another breathtaking romantic suspense novel from Susan May Warren. If the first book in this series took readers to Alaska, Sunburst is a celebration of Nigeria. From escaping terrorists to outrunning men intent on revenge, Nigerian weddings, secrets and a romance revived, Sunburst is the perfect mix of romance and action.

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Book Review: Where The Road Bends


Where The Road Bends

– Rachel Fordham  –


Published 1 June 2022


Where the Road Bends is a heartwarming story about second chances and overcoming the worst of situations life can throw at you.

Where The Road Bends didn’t unfold in the way I expected and the story was all the richer for it. While the characters are faced with horrible circumstances and trials, it makes them finding the good in life all the sweeter.

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Book Review: Home Field Advantage


Home Field Advantage

– Dahlia Adler –

Wednesday Books

Published 7 June 2022



Home Field Advantage is a jovial sports novel with queer romance and a powerful message about coming out and standing up for what’s right, wrapped in a bright, bubbly story.

I think I start every sport novel review with a statement about how much I l sports novels, so I’ve put this a bit further down in my review just for a change. My stance remains, though. I love sports novels. I can never find enough to satisfy my own cravings or that of my readers, so this is an automatic buy for my school library. It’s a great sports novel. Romance – check. Game suspense – check. Team drama – check. Strong, determined athletes – check, check. We have two athletes who take centre field in this story. Jack, female quarterback on the boys team, hated by her team mates and determined to prove herself. And Amber, cheerleader, firmly in the closet and totally crushing on the new quarterback.

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Book Review: In Honor’s Defense


In Honor’s Defense

– Karen Witemeyer –

Hanger’s Horsemen #3

Bethany House Publishers

Published 7 June 2022


Aside from my Australian dictionary not much liking this book’s title, there was a lot I liked about In Honor’s Defense. It is apparently the third and, sadly, final, book of the Hanger’s Horsemen series. What a series it has been. Full of adventure, danger and romance.

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Book Review: Get What You Want


Get What You Want: How To Go From Unseen To Unstoppable

– Julie Solomon –

HarperCollins Leadership

Published 7 June 2022


It’s funny how much stigma there is around wanting something and working towards it. When I mentioned to someone that I was reading a book called Get What You Want their reaction was surprise and slight confusion, maybe even distaste. Why would you read that? I love that this book is so open about working towards what you want and being okay about that. It’s okay to want something and say you want something.

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Book Review: TJ Powar Has Something to Prove


TJ Powar Has Something to Prove

– Jesmeen Kaur Deo –

Viking Books for Young Readers

Published 7 June 2022



Brilliant, just brilliant. This book has the perfect mix of super cute romance, powerful societal issues commentary, friendship, family and self identity discovery that makes it the sort of YA realistic fiction I just adore. Add a touch of sport and I was all in on this fantastic story.

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Book Review: Forging Silver Into Stars


Forging Silver Into Stars

– Brigid Kemmerer –

Forging Silver Into Stars #1

Bloomsbury YA

Published 7 June 2022



Forging Silver Into Stars is just the most beautiful fantasy novel, with romance, betrayal, intrigue and wildly swinging emotions. I don’t know how she does it but Brigid Kemmerer’s writing just gets better and better. I don’t know how to put my love for this novel into words, so instead I’ll just go about shoving this book into the hands of readers and demanding they read it.

Forging Silver Into Stars returns readers to the world we first fell in love with in A Curse So Dark and Lonely. While Forging Silver Into Stars introduces us to new characters, never far from the action are Grey, Lia Mara, Rhen and Harper.

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