Category: Young Adult (Page 2 of 56)

Book Review: While You Were Dreaming


While You Were Dreaming

– Alisha Rai –

Quill Tree Books

Published 21 March 2023



I think most people of a certain generation would know and love the movie While You Were Sleeping. I certainly do. But even if a younger generation are not familiar with the movie that seems to have inspired the title and premise of this book, they’ll be sure to fall in love with its charming story. 

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Book Review: Aces Wild A Heist


Aces Wild: A Heist

– Amanda DeWitt –

Peachtree Teen

Published 13 September 2022



What a fantastic novel. Aces Wild combines heists and all the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas, plus behind the scenes of what makes a casino run. You’d be right to think Ocean’s 11, but we also get a fantastic diverse cast and strong friendship themes.

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Book Review: The First Thing About You


The First Thing About You

– Chaz Hayden –

Candlewick Press

Published 6 September 2022



The First Thing About You is a funny and honest story about friendship, falling in love for the first time and finding your way as you grow up.

Harris and his family have just moved to New Jersey. For Harris, it’s a fresh start. No longer will he only be known as the guy in the wheelchair. It’s his time to break out of the box people put his in when they first see him. First thing on his list is a new aide to join him at school instead of his mother. Miranda is a young nursing student and seems to understand the real Harris. As Harris befriends the geeky Zander and the boys on the football team, he is also drawn to Nory. But friendship and love is hard to get right and Harris must learn to see beyond his own expectations, just as he wants others to do with him.

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Book Review: Wildbound



– Elayne Audrey Becker –

Forestborn #2

Tor Teen

Published 30 August 2022


Wildbound is the sequel to Forstborn and it is the perfect follow up to this YA fantasy. Romance, war and a fight for justice and freedom. I adore fantasy duologues and Wildbound has all the elements of an epic fantasy.

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Book Review: Love Times Infinity


Love Times Infinity

– Lane Clarke –


Published 26 July 2022



Growing up is hard and it’s harder still when society (and college applications) want you to have a clear sense of your identity. It’s made even harder still for Michie, who questions her very existence. Love Times Infinity is a delightful YA novel about family, love and finding yourself and your voice.

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