The Infographic Guide to Grammar: A Visual Reference for Everything You Need to Know – Jara Kern, Carissa Lytle – Adams Media – Published 4 August 2020
This illustrated guide to English grammar gives you everything you need for a better understanding of how to write and punctuate correctly. From proper comma usage to the correct form of there, their, or they’re—understanding grammar has never been easier.
Is it who or whom? Affect or effect? And what is a prepositional phrase? With The Infographic Guide to Grammar, you’ll learn the answers to all of these questions, and so much more. Filled with colorful, easy-to-understand entries, this book includes topics like:
–Basic sentence structure
–The parts of speech
–Common mistakes and how to avoid them
My thoughts
Is it wrong of me to say I really want to cut this book up and hang all the pages up around my library like beautiful posters? Well, right or wrong that’s exactly what I wanted to do. I really think this book should come in a pull-apart, poster version so everyone can see, use and be helped by the colourful infographics that cover everything from punctuation to commonly confused words.
Five chapters break the content down into sections: parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, writing style and common mistakes. Each sub-section, nouns for example, are given a two page spread infographic that provides a basic explanation, uses, fun facts, more details, and handy to know tips. All this, presented as beautiful, highly colourful infographics.
The graphic design work in this book is fabulous. The information given is simple. Clear examples are provided. The layout of each infographic is pleasing to the eye and did I mention colour? So much colour, different texts, and fun graphics. There isn’t a lot of text on each page and the font is big and bold.
However, I found that this book wasn’t easy to read and certainly not cover to cover. I enjoyed flicking through it, jumping from section to section and looking for those handy tips, but for my text-loving brain, all that bold font and bold colours were a little overwhelming. Hence, why I would like to cut the book up and hang it around my library. Not because I dislike it in any way, but simply because the infographics would work so well as giant posters. I think this book would also be wonderful for teachers working through grammar with their students and providing a simple definition, overview, example and use of each component.
A bright, bold and informative book, The Infographic Guide to Grammar is sure to please any grammar enthusiast and visual learners.
The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.
More information
Category: Non-fiction
Subjects: Grammar, language, English, infographics, punctuation, writing conventions.
Format: Paperback, ebook. 128 pages.
Published: 4 August 2020 by Adams Media
ISBN: 9781507212387