Display – Connect to the Library
The theme for our library this first term 2020 is Connect. My focus is on really engaging with students and hopefully getting them to engage with the library in return. We are highlighting both our online connections and face-to-face activities. I am reusing our puzzle theme, as puzzles remain popular with our students and I already had them cut (I’m lazy but I like to call it time management!!).
The entrance display highlights our library’s Facebook page, book clubs, events and request book. I’m also hoping to add a special library page on our school student management system this year where students can find information, answer polls, join in quizzes and find lots of fun stuff, so I will add that to the board.
Our circulation desk is also displaying the same connect theme. I am asking students to contribute a puzzle piece that will form the main base of the display. It should be bright and a reflection of the student body. I’ll post pictures once we have it up.