Book Week 2019: Display Ideas

Book Week 2019 – Display Ideas

The theme for Book Week 2019 is Reading Is My Secret Power.

2019 Book Week web banner 1200x500

The theme and official artwork offers plenty of inspiration for displays: powers, superpowers, secrets, transformations, hidden identities.

Powers and Superpowers

There are plenty of ideas surrounding “Reading is my superpower”, so I am planning to use those ideas and adapt them for a fresh Book Week look.

You can find more details on my Bookopolis: Home to those with secret powers display here.

Hafuboti has a collection of awesome super reader images that are free to download, use and modify. You can find them on the Hafuboti site.

Librarians on the Loose has a wonderful range of superhero displays.

I love this Superhero Classroom Theme decoration ideas from Schoolgirl Style – love those secret identity paper lanterns.

And of course, don’t forget that Batman Returns … his books to the library.

Everyday heroes are also important – heroes in our communities, services, schools and families.

I have a city skyline made from three large A2 pieces of black card stock (left over from a Mary Poppins Display) which I can reuse. I also love the idea of a superhero in the library, perhaps a caped figure with “Reading is My Secret Power” on the back of the cape and either a silhouette shape flying across the ceiling or a mannequin with cape and superhero mask.

I would love to collect the students’ ideas of their favourite or most wanted power and display these, perhaps as callout and shapes hanging from the ceiling.

A city skyline also needs clouds and I’ve long wanted to make these fluffy clouds out of paper lanterns and cotton wool. Instructions from A Practical Wedding.
Fluffy Clouds



Fluffy Clouds

Party with Unicorns (great name, right) has some awesome superhero freebies, including superhero lettering, colouring pages, 3D sets (which will be awesome with our library’s Ozobot) and games.


Transformation and the Official Artwork

The official artwork for Book Week 2019 has been released. Created by the talented Bob Graham, this gorgeous images is the perfect inspiration for a display.  Free email signatures and social media banners, and a range of merchandise is available to purchase. I love how it can be interpreted that reading allows us to transform into our best, most beautiful selves.

Our library is planning to use the pastel colours and bold red and black to inspire and Book Week 2019 t-shirts for the library staff to wear in the lead up to and during Book Week.  We purchased iron-on vinyl from The Vinyl Loft, which I can highly recommend for their massive range, great prices and awesome service.

As has become tradition in our library, our main central display which is situated behind the circulation desk will be an interpretation of the official artwork. More on that soon.


Shhhhhhhh. It’s a secret. Our students absolutely love spies and everything about secret codes, spies and secret agents. Our non-fiction spy books are hardly ever on the shelves and books about secret agents are perennial favourites.

Last year we ran a mystery books display – featuring spies and books wrapped up for students to borrow without seeing the cover. This year we might rename it Secret Books.

I’m also thinking about a secret code hunt to find clues around the library and hidden messages inside books.

CBCA Notables

The CBCA Notables list has been released and there are some amazing titles featured.

I’d love to create some displays featuring some of these Notables, like St Rita’s Library did with All The Ways To Be Smart.

So what will be your inspiration for Book Week displays in 2019? Share some ideas in the comments below.

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