Display: International Dot Day

Dot Day Display

The Dot

The DotHave you read The Dot by Pete H. Reynolds? It is one of my favourite picture books. I love its message of creativity and having a go.

International Dot Day is celebrated on the 15th (ish) of September. This year we celebrated International Dot Day by creating a special Dot display.

Dot DisplayI printed off a load of blank dots – easily made with Word and the circle shape. Inspired by the story, the students created their own dot.  Emoji and Pokemon symbols were popular choices for the students, while others created beautiful patterns. I also printed off some celebri-dots from the celebri-dots website, to provide some inspiration.

I then made a giant dot out of all our little dots and added the quote “Just make a mark and see where it takes you” to the bottom of the display. It was a great way to incorporate student artwork into a display.

Find more information about International Dot Day from the Dot Club website and my International Dot Day post.

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