Tag: ANZAC Day

Display: ANZAC Day Display

ANZAC Display

Every year we pause to remember the sacrifice of the ANZACs. Brave men and women who served so that we might live in freedom. Each year, the library marks this day with a special display.

This year, out display used hanging tissue paper poppies from previous displays. See this post for instructions on how to make them.

Using our library Cricut machine (for a rundown on this machine and its uses, check out this post), I cut a vast number of red paper poppies and black stamen, and a solider silhouette. I created templates for these from a simple flower image. Additional poppies were used to adorn the circulation desk.

Display: ANZAC Day


ANZAC Day occurs on the 25th of April each year here in Australia. It is a day that remembers and honours those who served and died in wars, and commemorates the spirit of the ANZACs – sacrifice, courage and mateship.

I created a simple display in the entrance of the school library to coincide with the weeks surrounding ANZAC Day.

 Display Elements


I made strands of tissue paper poppies to hand over the returns desk. They made a great impact on-mass and looked lovely swinging in the breeze.  Continue reading

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