Professional Learning: ASLA 2023 Designing Dynamic School Library Experiences

Professional Learning: ASLA 2023 Designing Dynamic School Libraries Experiences Presentation

It was so fantastic to be involved with the #ASLA2023 conference. When Anne Weaver invited me to present alongside her on the topic of designed experiences for dynamic school libraries, I jumped at the chance. 

The ASLA 2023 conference had such a wonderful range of presenters and topics and brought together school library staff from all over the country and even from overseas. 

If you weren’t able to make it to the conference, or maybe you were there and missed our presentation, or maybe you were even at the presentation but wanted some more details, here at the slides and a quick outline.

Anne has also graciously shared her speech that covered the research she undertook on the topic on her blog, ReadingPower.  Anne’s post also includes a whole heap of references and further reading.

You can access the slides here. 

Even though Anne and I have both recently moved into brand new school library spaces, the ideas and examples we shared had nothing to do with our new spaces and could be done easily and quickly in any library space. Things like offering games or Rubik’s cubes to students or making sure that library sessions are interactive and students do most of the talking instead of the library staff or teacher. 

During the presentation, we asked the attendees some questions. Here are their responses. 


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