Book Review: All That Really Matters

All That Really Matters – Nicole Deese – Bethany House Publishers – Published 6 April 2021




Molly McKenzie’s bright personality and on-trend fashion and beauty advice have earned her an impressive social media following, as well as a big paycheck each month. When her manager-turned-boyfriend says she has an audition to appear as a host on a makeover show that nominates underprivileged youth, her dream of further fame seems to be coming true. There’s just one catch: she has little experience interacting with people in need.

When her manager-boyfriend convinces her to partner with a local organization, she begins volunteering with a summer youth program. The program’s director, Silas Whittaker, challenges her at every turn, but she swiftly grows more attached to the kids–and him–every day.

As Molly experiences an acceptance unlike anything she’s known, she wrestles with the lies she’s been believing about herself for years. She thought she knew what mattered most in life, but maybe she’s had it wrong this whole time, and there’s more to being truly seen than what she’s built her entire life on.

My thoughts

All That Really Matters has to be one of the best books I’ve read in ages. It was exactly what I needed, totally addictive – I literally couldn’t put it down – and just so good!!! I really must go back and ensure I have read all of Nicole Deere’s books because she is fast becoming one of my favourite authors.

All That Really Matters is an uplifting story that had be smiling right from the start. It is a book with so much heart. It is a wonderful romance and the relationship that builds between the two main character is genuine and caring and full of trust and patience, which is so lovely. Be still be beating heart. I loved, loved, loved this book.

Molly Mackenzie is an Influencer. She has built a very successful career and successful business for herself. When her manager suggests taking on a good cause to help boost her followers she asks her brother to pass her the name of something suitable. She doesn’t expect what she finds at the The Bridge Youth Home. The first surprise is Silas – young, good looking, very formal and unimpressed with her interview. She doesn’t expect to get turned away. Molly is also surprised by how her quick glimpse of The Bridge intrigues her. When her determination finally impresses Silas, Molly is surprised by how quickly she comes to care for the program and the special young people it helps.

This is such a genuinely lovely story. Firstly, I loved Molly. She is utterly authentic. She is vibrant and enthusiastic. It’s no wonder that the team and residents come to love her and it is easy to love her as a reader. Then there is Silas. Dear reserved, formal, careful Silas. He too is incredibly caring and patience. What he does for the people in his life is amazing and it is no wonder Molly becomes intrigued by him and then falls for him.

I adored all of the side characters. Okay, there is one I don’t like, but we are not meant to like him. None of residents at The Bridge, the mentors, Molly’s friend and brother feel like side characters. They are all a very important part of the story and bring so much to it. They are all well developed, so it felt like their story equally. There are a couple that I am really hoping feature in their own book. That would mean we get to return to this fantastic setting and wonderful cast of characters.

I just wish I could read this book for the first time again. I’ll content myself with rereading it and waiting for what Deese gifts us readers next. I can’t wait.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

More information

Category: Adult fiction

Genre:  Contemporary.

Themes: Foster children, age-out homes, influencers, romance, faith, social media, relationships, mentoring, fundraisers.

Published: 6th April 2021 by Bethany House Publishers

Format: Hardcover, paperback, ebook. 416 pages.

ISBN: 9780764234965

Find it on Goodreads

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