Professional Learning Series: Podcasts for School Library Staff

Podcasts and Videos for School Library Staff – Part 6 in the Professional Learning series

As we continue my Professional Learning Series, part 6 focuses on podcasts and video channels that are helpful for professional learning for school library staff. This is the area in which I am still growing and learning. I don’t watch videos or listen to podcasts very often, I’m new to the whole podcasting thing. If I’ve got time to spare I turn straight to an audiobook and even less often, just listen to music. But I’ve been directed enough to a school library podcast and surprise, surprise, actually really enjoyed it. Now, I find time to squeeze in a listening session every now and again. As I’m still growing in this area, I’d love to know what video channels or podcasts are your favourites. To whom do you turn when you need inspiration? And when and how do you tune in?

Recently, I’ve been doing a bit of vinyl cutting while making some new dividers for our school library (you can see them here), which gave me a bit of time at work where my hands were busy but my brain not so much. So, I grabbed the library iPad and tuned in to School Librarians United. If a student or teacher approaches, I’m quick to whip out my earphones, but it’s been a great (and time effective) way of getting in some professional learning while working at the same time.

School Librarians United

The podcast I’ve been listening to and the one highly recommended to me (multiple times, by multiple people) is of course School Librarians United with Amy Herman. It is the go-to podcast for school librarians. Check out the site here. I could listen to to podcast all day and it has a great range of topics and guests. Amy posts regularly, but there is also a massive amount of previous episodes to listen to.

Your Kid’s Next Read

Hosted by author Allison Tait and teacher librarian Megan Daley, the Your Kid’s Next Read podcast is the next venture from the team that brought your the Your Kid’s Next Read Facebook group. This is a delightful podcast, with a mix of literature, writing tips, and tips for getting children reading. Find all your listening options here. 

The Portable Magic Dispenser

Lucas Maxwell’s podcast has two main areas of focus: school library practice and tips and running a Dungeons and Dragons group in the the school library. This second one is subtitled: You Should Have Been A Meat Shield (love that). Listen here. 

Engaging and Empowering School Libraries

The podcast of Elizabeth Hutchinson. Along with her guests she covers a range of topics related to school libraries. Listen here.

Librarian Influences

Another US context, the Librarian Influences again has a great range of topics and guests all focused on school libraries and school library practice. You can listen to the podcast episodes here.

Diversity In Children’s Books

This six-part podcast from Better Reading interviews 6 great Aussie authors and talks about the importance of diversity in children’s and young adult fiction. Listen here.

Better Reading

Of course, Better Reading has an impressive range of podcasts. Check them out here. 

Circulating Ideas

US based, Circulating Ideas is about libraries and librarians from all sectors and walks of life. They talk to some amazing people. Even more amazing is their list of recommended podcasts. Basically, you don’t need my post, just go check out their list.

Library Figures

I haven’t listened to this one yet, but the premise intrigues me. Library Figures is all about library marketing and libraries engaging with their communities. Can’t wait to hear what this has to offer.

The Librarian’s Guide to Teaching

Another one on my to-listen list. The episode list is impressive and a great mix for school librarians. Listen here.

Library Marketing Show

Angela Hursh shares library marketing tips and tricks on her video channel. Each video ranges in length between 5 to 12 minutes, so it’s very accessible and she covers such an incredible range of topics. Watch here.  

One More Page

One More Page is a podcast for kids’ book lovers. The three hosts interview authors, librarians, publishers, illustrators and booksellers on everything book related. There are lots of episodes to check out, including episode 30 Teacher Librarian Love. Listen to all episodes here.

Future Ready Schools Podcast Series

This podcast discusses a range of topics relevant to school librarians, including leadership, fighting book bans and STREAM in the library. Listen here.

The Cult of Pedagogy

While this one isn’t school library related, The Cult of Pedagogy offers episodes on teaching strategies and classroom management, as well as education technology. Listen here.

Class Tech Tips Easy EdTech Podcast

Another one that isn’t library related but does cover a range of topics helpful to the school library setting, including tech-friendly lessons and education technology trends and updates. Listen here.

Need more recommendations?

Amy Hermon, host of School Librarians United, shares some of her favourite podcasts. Check it out in this SCIS article.

Recommended List for Kids

I know there are many, many other podcasts and video channels out there but I haven’t personally tried them yet. Anyone have any recommendations for me? What podcasts or video channels do you find helpful for your professional learning?

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