#LoveOzYA: Maps

#LoveOzYA – Maps

This fortnight’s #LoveOzYA theme is Maps.


I confess, this fortnight’s prompt had me a little stumped. I couldn’t think of any OzYA books that were centred around maps or had really fantastic maps. I thought about road trip books, but instead decided to recreate something a little like Epic Reads’ Planet YA. Unfortunately, my design skills are not what they could be and so instead of a very pretty image, I can only provide a list of books by place and ask you to use your wonderful imaginations.

#LoveOzYABloggers is hosted by #LoveOzYA, a community led organisation dedicated to promoting Australian young adult literature. Keep up to date with all new Aussie YA releases with their monthly newsletter, or find out what’s happening with News and Events, or submit your own!

Maps: YA Fiction by Place









This is by no means a complete or thorough list, just a few examples from each state. What is your favourite OzYA setting?


Want more Oz YA? Check out more picks here.

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