Wild Montana Skies

Wild Montana Skies – Susan May Warren – Montana Rescue #1 – Revell – Published 18 October 2016



Search and rescue pilot Kacey Fairing is home on leave in Mercy Falls, Montana, twelve years after she joined the military to escape the mistakes of her past. With a job waiting for her as the new lead pilot of Peak Rescue in Glacier National Park, Kacey hopes to reconnect with the now-teenage daughter she sees only between deployments. What she doesn’t realize is that someone else is also back in town. 

Ben King has been building his country music career since the day Kacey shut him out of her life. Now all of that’s on hold when his injured father calls him home to help run Peak Rescue until he’s fully recovered. It doesn’t take long, though, to discover his father’s ulterior motives as Kacey Fairing walks into the house and back into his heart. 
With Mercy Falls in a state of emergency due to flash floods, Kacey and Ben are forced to work together to save lives. But when floodwaters turn personal, can they put aside the past to save their future?

My thoughts

This book has enough action, adventure, mystery, romance and plenty of family tangles and drama to keep any reader glued to the page. There are also a whole host of new characters to fall in love with and a rugged mountain setting that perfectly offsets the dangerous conditions the characters face.

I really enjoyed reading Wild Montana Skies, not quite as much as I loved the all-consuming Christiansen series, but I think it is a great start to what will be a thrilling series. And the romance promises to be just as exciting as the rescues.

Kacey is returning home to Mercy Falls after another stint on duty in the army but this time she’s shaken and a little broken over what transpired while deployed overseas. In Mercy Falls her thirteen-year-old daughter is waiting for her, along with a new job as helicopter pilot for the Mercy Falls search and rescue team. Ben King, too, is on his way home to Mercy Falls, a crumbling music career in his rear-view mirror. Ben just wants to help his ailing father regain his feet before hightailing it back to Nashville. Neither Ben nor Kacey expect to see the other or to dredge up the past and all the hurts and misunderstandings that go with it.

Kacey and Ben’s story is complex and tumultuous. It’s also fiery and passionate. Kacey arrives as Mercy Falls is flooding, her daughter is missing and people need rescuing. And the chaos only increases when she realises Ben is home too. Misunderstanding is an understatement when it comes to their story. The first half of the book bounces between them sorting out what really happened thirteen years ago and settling back in at home, sandbagging against the rising floodwaters and searching for lost hikers – including their daughter.

Along with Kacey and Ben’s story, you get the bonus of another story in Ian and Sierra. Their story starts in the series prequel, If Ever I Would Leave You. I think I enjoyed their story more than Kacey and Ben’s in a way, even if Ian is sometimes stupidly stubborn. And I’m assuming (hoping) that Ian and Sierra’s story will continue in the next book, Rescue Me, and there is still plenty to be revealed about the disappearance of Ian niece.

Wild Montana Skies has family drama, country music, romance and action ranging from helicopter rescues, missing person searches, and saving rescuing lost and injured hikers, all tied together with faith as the characters come to understand God’s plan for them, even if they think they have strayed too far. I can’t wait to read Rescue Me and see where this series takes us next.

The publishers provided a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

More information

Category: Fiction

Genre: Christian contemporary.

Themes:  Family, Romance, Search and rescue, Country music, Parenting, Teenagers, Missing persons, PTSD, Friendship.

Published:  18 October 2016 by Revell.

Format: Paperback,  ebook, audio. 352 pages.

ISBN: 9780800727437

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