Nowhere to turn
Nowhere to Turn – Lynette Eason – Revell – Published 2 September 2014



The day Danielle Harding takes her 11-year-old son, Simon, and flees from her abusive husband, is the same day Kurt Harding dies. A relieved Dani believes she and her son are finally safe–but in reality, the danger has just begun. When Kurt was alive, he took something important to a mysterious person. That person wants the item back and believes Dani now has it. As she and her son run for their lives, they have nowhere to turn, until she hires Adam Buchanan of Operation Refuge and goes into hiding. Unfortunately, she won’t be able to hide for long . . .
From the first breathless scene, this tension-laced story will hold readers in its iron grip. Bestselling author Lynette Eason propels readers along at a breakneck pace in a race to discover the truth and a better future.

My thoughts

Dani is sick of living in fear of her abusive husband. Determined to take her son, Simon, and run, Dani is surprised to hear her husband is killed on the very day she decides to leave him. But Dani’s troubles are far from over. Her brother-in-law, Stuart, is determined to have her for his own and an attempt on her life has Dani running for help once again. She turns to Operation Refuge and Adam, former US Marshall, and whom readers will recognise from the first book in the series, for protection from the growing number of people who want her and her son dead.

There is lots going on in this book, particularly at the start. There is also lots of action, shootings, break ins, chase scenes and a touch of romance. Unfortunately I also found there were too many convenient and repetitive excuses for unrealistic occurrences, which made this a very unrealistic story and hard to really connect with or delve into. If you are looking for a highly suspenseful novel but are not too concerned about the accuracy of crime-fighting details then Nowhere To Turn would be a good book for you. However, I certainly felt this novel didn’t live up to the standards of Lynette Eason’s previous books. While this is the second book in the Hidden Identity series, it can be read as a standalone.

The third book No Place To Hide will be released 5 May 2015.

The publishers provided a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.

More information

Category: Fiction

Genre: Christian suspense.

Themes: Romance. Action.

Published: 2 September 2014 by Revell.

Format: Paperback, ebook, audiobook. 480 pages.

Author’s website: Lynette Eason.


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