Ramblings: Rewrite, Renew, Reimagine

Rewrite, Renew, Reimagine

It’s ALIA Library and Information Week 2022. Held annually, ALIA LIW has recently changed date. Now celebrated in July, I love the creative themes (and graphic design, which is always AMAZING) for this special week. In previous years, I’ve made a big deal of Library and Information Week in my school libraries. This is a week celebrated by libraries of all categories and sizes, from public libraries to specialist libraries, so it’s nice to join in with this. However, this year, my focus has been on other things, so we haven’t celebrated LIW in the school library.

But, I couldn’t let the opportunity pass to mark the week or to reflect on how apt the theme is for our library this year.

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Ramblings: 6 Easy Advocacy Actions

6 Easy Advocacy Actions to Promote Your School Library

Advocating for your school library can seem like a mammoth task or maybe something you are not sure how to do. And sure, when you have to fight for your position or funding or to even have a school library in your school, it can be overwhelming. But, I’ve found that the very best and most powerful forms of advocacy are the most simple, easy actions that fit into your everyday practice.

Here are a few examples of advocacy actions I’ve done in the past six months.

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Ramblings: 8 Things I Did To Advocate For My School Library Last Week

8 Things I Did To Advocate For My School Library Last Week

Advocacy is a bit of a funny word, I think. Sometimes it can be daunting. Maybe it’s something we know we must do as school librarians, facing budget and staffing cuts and increasingly challenging times, but equally something that we think we might not have time for or might be something that is too hard or too out of our reach to do. Advocacy might conjure up thoughts of national or international campaigns or perhaps having to go and fight for the job you are about to lose or the 80% cut to your school library budget or perhaps the loss of the school library space altogether. And while these things do form part of advocacy, I believe that advocacy can also be far smaller and simpler. It might also be things you are doing each and every week.

Simply put, advocacy is defined as supporting or arguing for something. And that is something we do each and every day.

Here are eight things I did to advocate for my school library and my role as a teacher librarian last week.

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Display: Find Yourself in a Library

Find Yourself in a Library – Map Display

This year’s ALIA Library and Information Week theme was Find Yourself in a Library. This tied perfectly into our whole year’s themes of Find… (See more information about our library themes in this post).

Amidst a range of fun activities and special events, like the National Simultaneous Storytime, the library highlighted the special week with this display.

Using the LIW poster as inspiration, I used strips of white cardboard to create our own library maze. And yes, there was only one way through the maze, but unfortunately, I didn’t consider the hight of the books on display and how they would hide the finish point.

Letting cut on our libraries Cricut machine, the LIW poster and banner and books about maps, puzzles and mazes completed the display.

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