If I'm Found

If I’m Found – Terri Blackstock – If I Run #2 – Zondervan – Published 21 March 2017



Casey Cox is still on the run, fleeing prosecution for a murder she didn’t commit. Dylan Roberts—her most relentless pursuer—is still on her trail, but his secret emails insist that he knows the truth and wants to help her. He’s let her escape before when he had her in his grasp, but trust doesn’t come easily.

As Casey works to collect evidence about the real murderers, she stumbles on another unbearable injustice: an abused child and a suicidal man who’s also been falsely accused. Casey risks her own safety to right this wrong and protect the little girl from her tormenters. But doing so is risky and just may result in her capture—and if she’s captured, she has no doubt she’ll be murdered before she ever steps foot in a jail.

My thoughts

If I’m Found picks up where If I Run left off – right in the middle of the action. Casey is on the run, pursued for a crime she didn’t commit. Dylan, private investigator, is on her tail, but he knows something isn’t right, especially with the two detectives who seem so quick to condemn Casey.

In If I Run, readers were first introduced to Casey, who discovered the murdered body of her friend. She ran, knowing that asking Brent to investigate her father’s death may have led to his murder. She has to keep running when she is publicly accused of his death. Dylan, also a friend of Brent’s, a returned solider, and now Private Investigator, is asked to help track down Casey. But he slowly comes to realise that Casey might have been framed.

As with If I Run, this book follows Casey’s story and Dylan’s continuing investigation but also includes a concurrent mystery, one that Casey helps solve. That’s what takes this book from exciting to edge-of-your-seat. There is nothing that gets me riled like an innocent wrongly accused, and in If I’m Found there are two such people.

With some books that have duel perspectives I sometime find myself hurrying through one perspective to get back to the action of the other’s. Not with If I’m Found. Both Casey and Dylan’s stories are totally gripping – Dylan as he works to uncover evidence against the dirty detectives and Casey as she runs and then later becomes involved in the Cole Whittington case. Both stories work together and yet have enough of their own action and drama to be addictive. It’s also nice to get to know both Casey and Dylan a little bit better. We get more of an insight into Dylan’s PTSD, more insight into Casey’s past and her present as she discovers God and fights for survival. Dylan and Casey also continue developing a romantic awareness of each other.

The ending of If I’m Found gives readers a small measure of resolution but leaves plenty of entanglements that will need to be concluded in the third and final book. I am very eager to read the next instalment in Casey’s adventure and hope she and Dylan can finally win some of the peace for which they long and catch those bad guys.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

More information

Category: Fiction

Genre: Christian mystery-thriller.

Themes:  Crime, mystery and detective, murder, family, corrupt police.

Published:  21 March 2017 by Zondervan.

Format: Hardcover, Paperback, ebook. 352 pages.

ISBN: 9780310332480

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