Best Job In the World – Working in a School Library

The Best Job In the World: Working in a School Library

It’s a question I absolutely love. “How did you get into your role and is that something I can do?”

Working in a school libraries is the best job in the world (I’m biased, but just try and prove me wrong!). Yet becoming someone who works in a school library is a path shrouded in mystery. I know I certainly didn’t realise it was an option that was open to me until much later on in my search for a career that felt right and fit me.

In my years working in school libraries and sharing about my work online, I’ve been approached by lots of people wanting to know how they might become a school library staff member. So, this post series is all about celebrating the people who work in school libraries, exploring the different roles available and the steps you can take to become a school library staff member.

Let’s start my exploring some of my favourite things about working in a school library. It might just appeal to you as well.

No two days are ever the same

No two days in the school library are ever the same. One day you might be hosting an author events the next sourcing beautiful resources or maintaining the collection. I love the variety that working in a school library involves.

Diverse range of skills required

If we are to respond to a diverse range of requirements and tasks, then you need a diverse and versatile skills. I love that whatever background you bring to the role, your skills will be needed and valued. It also means there is always something to learn, from marketing and branding skills to technology skills, collection maintenance skills, management and leadership and so, so, so much more.

Working with staff and students in a unique role

Unlike the role of a classroom teacher, teacher aide or administrator, working in a school library lets you build an entirely unique relationship with staff and students. For many students, they see school library staff as their support team, see the school library as a safe place and enjoy building a relationship built on trust and a love of reading or esports or origami or basically anything they might connect with you over. It’s the same with staff. The school library often seeks to support school staff in a variety of ways and being so integral to helping school staff and teachers is an honour. I love collaborating with school staff and helping them make their job easier.

Sharing a love of reading, learning and creating

The school library offers a place to share your love of reading, learning, creating with staff and students. It’s an honour to help build that love and connection to reading within our young people and give them the gift of opening a book and disappearing inside. Of finding them that right book that unlocks the love. And of connecting them with the tools for their learning, how to take that knowledge and use it to think, be creative and solve problems.

There is so much to love about working in a school library. Over the course of this series, I’ll help debunk some myths about working in a school library, look at the different roles and jobs you might find in the school library and step you through how to make a start in the school library world. Welcome, let’s explore together.


School library staff, let others know. What do you love about working in a school library?

1 thought on “Best Job In the World – Working in a School Library”

  1. I arrived into the school library game WAAAAAY too late, but you are so right about it being the best job! I would dearly love to be a TL, but it’s too precarious a position for the investment of resources I would have to make, especially at this stage of my life. I have been a LO for the past seven years and am currently in the final semester of my Diploma to become a qualified LT. Figured it was about time I made the library thing official 🙂

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