Tag: Library Lessons

Fairy Tale Library Lesson

Fairy Tale Library Lesson – Personality Quiz and AI Image Generation

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post on Instagram about this and asked for more details.

I work with a range of different classes each week and every time I have a library lesson I seek to make it as interactive, engaging and possible. When sitting and deciding on how I might make a regular library lesson for a Year 9 English class who are studying fairy tales engaging, I started with the idea of a Fairy tale character personality quiz.

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Year 7 Orientation Lessons

Year 7 Orientation Lessons

The start of a new year means new incoming year 7 students. For my school, that means a mix of students coming from our Junior School and a large cohort of new students. There is something so fresh and enthusiastic about year 7 students. A mix of nervousness and an eagerness to try things. They get exciting and they are not afraid to share that excitement and I absolutely love working with them.

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Resource: ActionBound Review

ActionBound Review

I love to see students up and moving about during my library lessons. I also try to limit the amount of talking I do. I want my students to be the ones who do the talking. So, when I am running “getting to know the library” sessions or introductions to a genre or even rotational activities, I like to use scavenger hunts and QR code hunts. In the past, I’ve done these by creating my own QR codes using the QR Code Generator, writing clues and having students use paper to record their steps. I have also used apps like GooseChase to create scavenger hunts but was limited by cost in the number of groups with which I could use it.

When I discovered ActionBound, I was utterly thrilled. It is an online platform and app that allows you to create scavenger hunts using QR codes, missions, location points on a map, quizzes, surveys and so much more. But the best part? It has a completely affordable Library subscription plan.

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Ramblings: Fantasy Library Lessons – Intro to Fantasy

Fantasy Library Lessons – Intro to Fantasy

This semester in English, the Year 7 students are studying Fantasy. It’s a genre I love reading myself and I love that we don’t allocate them a class novel, instead the students can pick anything from the genre – graphic novel, novel, manga, short story – to read for the semester. They can read multiple books or just stick with one. They also do a film study and a creative writing piece. It’s a fun unit that has changed over time and I love where it is heading. Because I see each class once a fortnight, I can tie my library lessons into their fantasy unit.

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Ramblings: Year 7 Orientation Sessions

Year 7 Orientation Sessions in the School Library

The start of a new year means new incoming year 7 students. For my school, that means a mix of students coming from our Junior School and a large cohort of new students. There is something so fresh and enthusiastic about year 7 students. A mix of nervousness and an eagerness to try things. They get exciting and they are not afraid to share that excitement and I absolutely love working with them. But how do I get them excited about the library.

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Ramblings: A Year in the Life of a TL – Term 4

    A Year in the Life of a Teacher Librarian – Term 4

It has been my goal for some time now to share what my role as a teacher librarian is comprised of in the day in, day out. I hope that it sheds some light into what can sometimes be a mysterious and unknown role to those outside libraries. I hope it might inspire someone to enter the world of school libraries as I was once enticed. And I hope it encourages others in the school library world to share their experiences. Of course, my role and experiences are unique and would differ if I was in a different country, state, school, library setting or role, and the joy of library work is that no one day, library, role or experience is ever the same. I may post once a month about this, but far more likely I will put fingers to keyboard once a term. If you would like to read all of the posts in the series, you’ll find them here. 

Wow – Term 4 is almost done. I think I need to sit down. What an absolutely amazing and exhausting term. Term 3 ended with us packing up our school library and moving it into storage and a temporary location. So, it follows that Term 4 began with us settling into our new, temporary home.

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Ramblings: A Year in the Life of a TL – Term 3

A Year in the Life of a Teacher Librarian – Term 3

It has been my goal for some time now to share what my role as a teacher librarian is comprised of in the day in, day out. I hope that it sheds some light into what can sometimes be a mysterious and unknown role to those outside libraries. I hope it might inspire someone to enter the world of school libraries as I was once enticed. And I hope it encourages others in the school library world to share their experiences. Of course, my role and experiences are unique and would differ if I was in a different country, state, school, library setting or role, and the joy of library work is that no one day, library, role or experience is ever the same. I may post once a month about this, but far more likely I will put fingers to keyboard once a term. If you would like to read all of the posts in the series, you’ll find them here. 

As I sat down to write this I had a look back at the last time I wrote about my Year in the Life of a Teacher Librarian. I was shocked to discover that the last time I posted about this was at the start of Term 2 and now here we are at the end of Term 3. Whoops. But I guess that just shows how busy the past few months have been. So, instead of trying to write a few posts to fill in the gap, this one will cover everything from the middle of Term 2 to the end of Term 3. Are you ready?

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