Tag: Advocacy (Page 2 of 7)

Building a Reading Culture Part 7

Building A School Reading Culture – Part 7 Reading Culture Characteristics

Well, here we are, more than two years on from when I first started this journey investigating how to build a reading culture. I never could have imagined where this journey would take me.

I’ve looked at organisational culture research, culture change research and methodology, reading culture research, and tools for measure reading culture. I also used those tools to measure our reading culture starting point.

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Ramblings: Annual Reports – Loan statistics

Annual Reports – Loan Statistics

Do you put together an annual report for your school library? I think it is an important task to complete each year and sometimes I even create term reports, if I think they are needed. Annual reports are a fantastic advocacy tool for your school library, but they are also a wonderful way to collect data, make comparisons and reflections about your library service and can help in setting goals for the future directions of your library.

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Professional Learning: November 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities November 2023

Just as things are starting to head towards the end of the school year in the Southern Hemisphere, things are just kicking into high year in the northern parts of the world. The pace seems to be the same, either way – full speed ahead. Looking for some PD to help keep you up-to-date and inspired to face each day? Here is your list of professional learning opportunities for school library staff for November 2023. Highlights this month include lots of shared slides, resources and notes from the AASL23 conference. Happy learning. 

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Building a Reading Culture Part 6

Building A School Reading Culture – Part 6 Measuring The Starting Point

Little did I know 24 months ago when I started my exploration into culture change and building a reading culture, the journey it would take me on.

If you’ve missed parts of my series on building a reading culture you’ll find the start of this story in part 1, an exploration of organisational culture research in part 2, culture change research and methodology in part 3, and a deeper look at reading culture in part 4. In part 5, I shared some of the tools that could be used to measure reading culture.

Now the time has come to share where I am in this journey and how I think my school stacks up when measuring our reading culture.

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Professional Learning: October 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities October 2023

Happy International School Library Month!! What a month to celebrate everything we love about school libraries. Here’s your October list of professional learning. There’s something for all school library staff and in any format that you want to learn. Highlights this month are some awesome book lists, including graphic novel audiobooks, a few research papers from some of our favourite researchers and the Softlink School Library survey. Happy learning. 

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Professional Learning: September 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities September 2023

Welcome to September. If you are in Australia, most of us have celebrated (and survived) the CBCA Book Week. It’s always a massive week, month and term and such a fantastic opportunity to celebrate children’s literature and school libraries. For those overseas heading into the start of the school year, we wish you luck for the start of the year. Looking to start the school year well? Looking to continue to promote literature and reading? I’ve have some webinars, podcasts, articles and more for you. Here is your list of professional learning for September, 2023. Happy learning. 

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Professional Learning: August 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities August 2023

August. A big month in the school library world in Australia. If you are just trying to survive the month (like me) or thriving and looking to embrace any and all opportunities, here’s a list for you. School library professional learning opportunities for August, 2023. From webinars to podcasts, articles and more. Happy learning. 

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Professional Learning: July 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities July 2023

Happy July, everyone. Celebrating? Taking a break? Or maybe catching up on some professional learning? I am here to help (at least, with that last one). Here’s your list of school library professional learning opportunities for July, 2023. From webinars to podcasts, articles and more. Happy learning. 

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Professional Learning: June 2023

Professional Learning Opportunities June 2023

I have to be honest, this is a very short list. Between being sick, behind with the massive amount of work I need to do at work and just wanting to sleep a whole lot more these days, I put this together just before it hit your inbox, so it is a little leaner than usual. If there is an event or awesome post you have heard about and I’ve missed it, please let me know. Take care out there. 

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