SLASA – The Power of Advocating for the School Library Resources

SLASA – The Power of Advocating for the School Library Resources

Talking about advocating for school libraries is one of my favourite things to do. I was honoured to have the opportunity to present the closing keynote at the School Library Association of South Australia Conference on the Power of Advocating for the School Library. In the session? Here are the resources and further reading I referenced. Not able to make it to the conference? Reading these will give you a bit of an insight into what we discussed.

Dearnaley, M. (2022). 6 Easy Advocacy Actions.

Dearnaley, M. (2022). Creating a Marketing Plan for a School Library.

Dearnaley, M. (2024). Every Day Advocacy. 

Dearnaley, M. (2024). Creating a Vision Statement for your School Library.

Galer-Unti, R. A. (2009). Guerilla Advocacy: Using Aggressive Marketing Techniques for Health Policy Change. Health Promotion Practice10(3), 325-327.

Kaaland, C. (2020). Proactive, Ubiquitous, Fierce, Collaborative School Library Advocacy: School librarians must infuse ubiquitous advocacy into their daily lives, whether working as the sole librarian in a district or serving a district with a hundred other librarians. Knowledge Quest, 48(4), 6-.

Shallenberger, R., & Shallenberger, S. (2021).  Do What Matters Most. Berrett-Koehler.

Toor, R., & Weisburg, H. K. (2011). Being indispensable a school librarian’s guide to becoming an invaluable leader. American Library Association.

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