Displays Term 1 2022
I love creating displays. I love the design process, the coming up with ideas, the crafting, but I especially love the double-takes students and staff give an eye-catching display. I love when books just fly off the display shelf. We’ve done a range of displays this term, which have been lots of fun. These are some of my favourites.
Wellbeing – New Year, New You
We started the year by promoting our new wellbeing collection with a New Year, New You display. We matched this with a featured book list on our OPAC and a blog post, as well as Instagram posts.
Year 7 and Year 8 English Library Lesson Displays
All our Year 7 and Year 8 English classes booked in for library lessons, so we wanted to support this with matching displays. The Year 7s were studying memoir, so we created a “Meet Someone New” display to feature the autobiographies and memoirs. We also purchased a heap of new memoirs, including lots in graphic novel format, which updated our biography section. Our Year 8s were studying humour, so we pulled funny books both from our humour section and from within the other genres.
Fantasy to fall in love with
I feel like the grammar might be incorrect for this one, but I love the look. I am loving using our on-site print department (I know!!! Are you jealous?). This 1900mm long banner is stunning!! So easily created in Canva, printed and voile – display. A student requested a fantasy display, so their wish is my command.
VIP Book Advisors
This idea came from the amazing Kelsey Bogan. My #AmazingLibraryTech is often given ARCs from our local bookshop and we wanted some way of getting them into student hands but also giving back to the bookshop with recommendations and further purchases. We are hoping this display will intrigue our readers.
Upcoming releases to get excited about
This was a super fun display to put together. Again, my #AmazingLibraryTech was given this calendar poster from our local bookshop. I printed off covers from a range of upcoming releases, added their titles to the calendar and done. We also added a sign that encouraged students to vote for the release they are most looking forward to or add a recommendation for titles we should purchase. As we move to a student-driven collection development policy, I really want to build excitement around new books and student choice, as well as promoting that we’ll buy the books they request.
Graphic Novels
We’ve had so much spending a large chunk of our budget on new graphic novels. This has been one of those displays that is empty at the end of each day. Students are borrowing stacks of books at once. At least the turn over is quick, so we can restock the display each day. I used an old graphic novel set for the weeding pile to create the bunting. Super quick and easy and with books this beautiful, nothing else is needed to convince the students to try one.
We also put together a TikTok display, but more on that soon. It deserves its own post.
What displays did you create this term?