Professional Learning Opportunities June 2021
Here is my list of professional learning opportunities for June 2021. Some of them are time sensitive, others are just what has come to my attention this month. It’s a way to help me keep track of things that I find or that are recommended to me. They mostly are for school librarians or the school library setting, but many are transferable to any library or education setting.
Looking for more resources? Check out my Professional Learning Series.
Last month’s Professional Learning list.
Most of the opportunities below are free and easily accessibly by following the links, others are require a fee. If you have any suggestions or links, I’d love to hear from you. Comment below or contact me here.
Publications and Websites
Personal Branding Strategy: A Roadmap for Professionals, Experts and Executives. Article with free ebook download. Branding and promotions are so much a vital part of a librarian’s role now, and this is a helpful resource. Free.
The library as “third space” in your school by Lori Korodaj, SCAN, Vol 38, 2019. I’ve been revisiting Lori’s work, which is always inspiring. Free
The 2020 Australian and New Zealand School Library Survey Report. From Softlink. Free.
Intuition and evidence: how I built a thriving school culture from the ground up by Adam Voigt, April 2021. I’ve been looking at building reading cultures and came across this interesting article. More at a school level. EducationHQ subscription required.
Library Blogs are the best. Super Library Marketing. April 2021. Free
The Tech Landscape and Libraries – 2021. Princh blog with guest post by Nick Tanzi. Libraries are often at the forefront of technology uptake. This is an interesting article about some of the challenges with integrating digital technology, some benefits and some of the new technology that might be of interest to you. Free
Ditching Dewey. Two articles from Don’t Shush Me about the flaws with the Dewey system and how this school librarian has restructured her school library to be more inclusive. Free
5 Steps to Create a Library Insta Your Students Will Love to Follow. Another fantastic resource from Don’t Shush Me. Free
Conferences, Courses, Webinars, Podcasts and Meet Ups
National Education Summit. It’s not too late to sign up for the National Education Summit in Bribane that runs from the 4th and 5th of June. If you can’t make that, put the Melbourne Summit in your calendar for August. There is a fee involved and this event is face-to-face. Find out more here.
What a new study says about books, reading and libraries. April 7, 2021 from The #LibraryMarketing show. There are lots of other interesting videos, so check out this video channel.
Inspiring Reading and Learning All Year Long with Amazing Programs, Advocacy and Ideas from Future Ready Schools. Video. Free
Leading from the Library webinar series from Future Ready Schools. Free webinar series recordings on a range of school library topics, including Instagram and music to digital leadership. Free.
Rethinking how we measure the impact of library. Webinar recording from bibliotheca. Free.
Branding Strategy: Colors, Archetypes, and Marketing featuring Carrie Thomas-Omaur. Teacher Hustle Podcast. Free.
Exciting news! @nycsla and @libcomix are developing a series of #MangaInLibraries webinars! Featuring a rotating cast of #MangaLibrarians including: @JRLibrarian @vaguelylibrary @cuethelibrarian @cetaylor05 @sm_wordsmith @NakenyaY @emratica! More information to come! #MangaForAll
— NYC School Librarians' Association (@nycsla) April 26, 2021
How to Market for a School Library. 2021. Video, slides and article. Free.
Women in STEM careers posters and quotes. From The Gist. Free
Two social media channels to follow
New books of June
App/Tech of the month
Quick, Draw. Playing with artificial intelligence. Can you help a machine learn to recognise drawings. Fun, quick and free.