Storm Front – Susan May Warren – Montana Rescue #5 – Revell – Published 1 May 2018
A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community and among the missing are not only a group of students but PEAK Rescue team leader Chet King. Ty Remington will stop at nothing to rescue his mentor, not even when the girl he loved–and lost–walks back into his life. But Brette needs his help more than he knows, despite her stubborn determination to push him away. And when he gets a second chance, loving her just might cost him more than he can imagine.
A blogger for Vortex Storm Chasers, Brette Arnold didn’t expect her adventures to land her in the same place as Ty, the guy who she walked–no, ran–from over a year ago. She had her reasons–good ones. The kind that tell her that falling for him again would only lead to heartache. But Ty isn’t the kind of man to give up–not on the missing students, or on her.
My thoughts
Five stars are not enough to convey the true awesomeness of Storm Front. What is it about this Montana Rescue series? It just gets better and better and better with each book – and they were pretty darn good to start off with.
Brette Arnold is tired of facing the challenges constantly thrown her way – the death of first her father then her mother, cancer, assault and now mounting debt – she’s tired of believing in hope when everything seems hopeless. It’s why she ran from the protection of Ty Remington’s embrace and the support he offered. But her current job as a photographer in a storm chasing team brings her face-to-face with Ty as a massive storm cell brings destruction and endangers the life of PEAK team leader, Chet King.
I have to admit that while I love Susan May Warren’s books I’m not sure I’d like to be one of her characters. Actually scrap that, because even with everything they face, even when they crawl into collapsing buildings, chase after tornadoes, face epic storms and cancer and death and grief and relationship breakdown, even when they face all that they still have each other. How amazing would it be to be a part of the PEAK team? This crazy group of insanely brave and wonderful people, who band together and show up and support each other, no matter what. So, yeah, maybe I wouldn’t mind being one of Susie May’s characters after all.
Over the course of the past five books in the Montana Rescue series, the PEAK team members and their varied supporters and offshoot members have become very much like a big, loud family. Each of the stories captured in the books overlap a little, and it is wonderful to continue the journey with all of the characters. I loved that this book returns readers to where it all began, with the continuation of Ben and Kacey’s story. And I think the words “it’s about time” sum up their situation perfectly. Their journey towards a future together perfectly ties into the overarching themes of sticking around, learning to face your fears, and accepting the support of those around you.
But Storm Front, while populated with all the characters we now know and love, it is very much Ty and Brette’s story. These two instantly stole my heart. They were simply perfect for each other. My only complaint about the entire book was that I wanted so much more of Brette and Ty. I could have read on forever. I loved the little moments they share. I loved how they balance each other out and encourage each other to stretch the limits of their faith and ability to hope. I loved how Ty is so relentless in his pursuit to rescue, help, and support others. I loved how Brette so desperately needed that from Ty, but how she could see beyond the surface with Ty, see that he too needed rescuing.
The Montana Rescue series is quickly becoming one of my all-time favourite series. While each book has a complete story, the lives of the characters do overlap, and so I would recommend reading the series in chronological order. Storm Front’s epilogue, with a both a happy ending and a cliffhanger ending, will have you desperate for the sixth (and sadly, final) book in the series.
If you have previously read a book from the Montana Rescue series you know how good they can be and so Storm Front is probably already on your to-read list. If you are new to the Montana Rescue series, I highly, highly recommend it, especially to readers who love heartwarming stories of courage, suspense, action, and love.
The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.
More information
Category: Fiction
Genre: Christian suspense.
Themes: Natural disasters, storm chasers, tornadoes, music, cancer, search and rescue, romance, relationships, marriage.
Published: 1 May 2018 by Revell.
Format: Hardcover, paperback, ebook. 336 pages.
ISBN: 9780800727475