Ozobot Activity Ideas
Since introducing our Ozobot Bit to the library I have been trying to come up with fresh ideas for interacting with the little robot during our lunchtime sessions. Here are a few ideas I have tried so far. I would love to hear about your own ideas, so please leave them in the comment section below.
Races – this requires multiple Ozobots or a stop watch to record time trials. Students design their own course. To make it harder, set code limits or requirements, e.g. must use at least three different speed codes.
Maps – students enjoy incorporating literature and fantasy by creating maps for our Ozobot. These have included Lord of the Rings landmarks, castles and keeps with bridges made of paper and extra characters for Ozobot to navigate.
Giant Ozobot course – A large roll of white paper has enabled students to work collaboratively to create one big course for the Ozobot. Setting start and finishing points, as well as obstacles to encounter and avoid increases the challenge.
Jumps, Climbs and Tunnels – Using strips of paper and wood block offcuts, the students have been experimenting with Ozobot’s agility. Strips of paper taped over wooden blocks enable students to make Ozobot climb hills, but it takes some work to get the right codes for a fast-enough run up. Bent strips of paper create tunnels to code under or mini suspension bridges.
Costume design – Simple costumes can be created for Ozobot using paper strips, markers and sticky tape. Crowns and hats are easy to start with.
Activities we are yet to experiment with include using Ozobot with Blockly and the Oozbot Apps.
You can find a huge range of Ozobot activities and lesson plans from the Ozobot user portal.