Book Week 2015: Up In Lights
During Book Week the Book of the Year is announced from a short-listed group of titles. You can find the full list on CBCA’s website.
Each year, the school library displays the nominated titles. This year, in keeping with the light theme, these titles will be ‘up in lights’. This display is inspired by old-world cinema.
This displays sits proudly on the two boards just inside the school library’s entrance.
For this display I first printed copies of all the covers of nominated books, which can be found on CBCA’s website.
The category titles were made with simple callout shapes in Microsoft Word using the font Grenadier.
The main title was created using the font Budmo.
The inspiration for this display came from this Now Showing display board. I was able to re-create the red curtain look with red tissue paper, bunching it and pinning it to the board. It frames the book covers nicely and is quite eye catching. I would love to add some fairy lights around the whole display to light it up and add sparkle.